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The Importance of Colon Cancer Screenings

The Importance of Colon Cancer Screenings

The American Cancer Society recommends routine colon cancer screenings starting at age 45 and continuing to 75 in those expected to live 10 years or longer. Every two years is the general recommendation for the fecal test, while a colonoscopy is recommended every 10 years. At Gastroenterology Practice Associates, serving Arlington and Southlake, TX, a gastroenterologist like Dr. Ayodele Osowo, Dr. Olufemi Abiodun, or Dr. Subal Zafar can perform these tests. Today, we'd like to express the importance of them.

Can Spread Silently

Colon cancer has been known to spread silently, meaning it won't cause any symptoms until it's advanced. By the time symptoms do arise, it may be in a state that requires more invasive treatments or when remission isn't possible. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), less than 35 percent of colorectal cancers are found when they're still localized.

Early Intervention Equals the Best Outcome

Whenever cancer is caught early, you have more treatment options, and you'll have a much higher success rate. It's also an ideal time for you to make lifestyle changes to prevent the cancer from spreading and prevent it or other cancers from arising.

Is One of the Deadliest Cancers

Out of all other types of cancer, colorectal cancer is one of the top five deadliest. When caught when the cancer is still local, the patient has a 90 percent five-year survival rate. Once it has spread beyond the colon and nearby tissue, the five-year survival rate drops significantly to 13 percent. 

Intervene Before It Becomes Cancer

You may develop polyps inside the intestines. A polyp is a small clump of cells that grows in the intestines. Usually, they're benign and harmless. However, that isn't the case for all of them. In these cases, the polyps are precancerous and will become cancerous without proper removal. 

Preventative Screenings Are Better Than Cancer Treatments

There are a lot of misconceptions about colonoscopies, but you're given medication to keep you calm and comfortable throughout the test. However, cancer treatments can cause unpleasant long- and short-term side effects.

When you visit for a colorectal cancer screening at Gastroenterology Practice Associates, serving Arlington and Southlake, TX, a gastroenterologist like Dr. Osowo, Dr. Abiodun, and Dr. Zafar can help you find a schedule ideal for you and will incorporate your family history. 

Call for an appointment at (817) 468-7200.

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